Brian Hoffman - #2

Joining the team in 2008, Hoffman has become a leader and a productive offensive and defensive force. What makes Brian so special is his ability to play anywhere and still be effective. Brian has played every infield position and has produced gold glove caliber results. This 2010 All Star and 2010 Offensive Player of the Year has been in top 5 of each offensive category since joining the team. Brian has also gone through various injuries during his tenure but continues to fight back and produce results, which earned him the 2009 Comeback Player of the Year honor. If the Goodfellas are going to repeat, it’s going to be greatly influenced by “the Hoff”





Notable Achievements:

  • 2010 All Star Selection
  • 2009 Comeback Player of the Year
  • 2010 Offensive Player of the Year
  • 2011 "U IS Award
  • 2012 "U IS" Award
  • 2013 "U IS Award"