Chubbs Sterling 

On the field production is certainly important and something that legacies are built on. Home runs, clutch defense – this is how legends are made. But not all legends are born on the field; sometimes… they are born behind the microphone.

Chubbs Sterling, whose birth name is Jamos Burditt has served as the voice of the Goodfellas since their inception. Born in Albany NY, Chubbs discovered at an early age that he had a gift. A gift that blessed his vocal cords and gave him one of the most iconic voices in history. Known for his legendary play by play, exciting home run calls and romantic ronedovues with Suzyan, Chubbs has cemented his place in Goodfellas history.

The Goodfellas hall of fame features some of the most iconic players in softball history. Now, the hall of fame features one the most iconic voices in history. There will never be another man behind the microphone as iconic or symbolic.

John Pulver

Stubborn. Bombastic. Champion.

Sometimes controversy and a hot temper can fuel a team to great heights and sometimes it can lead to one’s demise. And sometimes, it can even lead to having your father in stands screaming at you in a recreation softball game.  In the case of John Pulver, although it wasn’t always pretty, he delivered.


Although one of the most controversial Goodfellas in history, John Pulver goes does as one of the best pitchers in franchise history. His stubbornness and temper were really signs of passion to win. 

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Daniel A. Ciampino Jr.

The will to win. Few men have it and often times few men ever achieve the greatness they set themselves up for. Dan “The Champ” Ciampino, the founder of Goodfellas Softball, possess that will that so many softball players lack. His determination, focus and pure admiration for the game has transcended over the franchise since its inception. However, some men, just know when it’s time to go.

Born in Albany, NY Dan Ciampino grew up aspiring to be a champion. Whether it be in football, little league or in backyard wiffle ball, Dan Ciampino only wanted one thing and that was championship glory. Ciampino set himself up for greatness at an early age, spending countless hours in the gym setting weight lifting records at his high school. As a star football player for CBA, Ciampino battled through numerous knee injuries and kept going out on the field. His toughness would transition over to softball and in 2007 he decided to start the Goodfellas softball franchise. During his tenure, he has set numerous records including being the only player in franchise history to be ejected from a game. His ejection was a display of passion; one that will never be matched.

Dan “The Champ” Ciampino is a player that will never be forgotten and his legacy will live on forever. With his aggressive behavior and passionate style of play, the Fellas can only hope that future players inherit his charisma. In 2013, Ciampino got his first championship in his life and it’s something he will cherish forever.

I am Chubbs Sterling, and thank you for watching Fellaorgraphy. 

Dan "Steinbrenner" Ciampino & Phil "Biggy" Sidoti

Biggy & Steinbrenner – 2 names that go together like peanut butter and jelly – 2 men that will forever be immortalized into the Goodfellas Hall of Fame. With Dan Steinbrenner Ciampino as the lead sponsor and Phil Biggy  Sidoti as the team’s hitting coach; these two legends have helped bring the franchise to where it is today. 

Ciampino grow up in Rotterdam NY and was an aspiring football player for the Mohanson Central School District. He attended Siena College where he earned his degree in accounting and would go on to the pass the CPA exam shortly thereafter. As a young CPA working at Staff & Company, he worked his way up to become a partner and eventually took over the firm which still thrives in Albany today. As the premier sponsor of the franchise since it's inception in 2007, Dan Ciampino always ensured the team had what they needed and looked good on the field. His unwavering support has allowed the Goodfellas to truly shine and is a major factor in the team capturing their first title in 2013. 

Big Phil Sidoti was born and raised in Albany NY and has been a barber for over 40 years. After spending many years watching his son sit the bench, he never had the opportunity to show the world his knowledge of hitting, but that all changed on a cold windy January morning, when Big Phil and little Phil had a meeting of the minds. Big Phil took over as the teams hitting coach in 2013 and his impact was immediately felt as the Goodfellas would go on to win their first title and set multiple records across many offensive categories. Known for his "who gives a shit" attitude Big Phil's larger than life persona kept players at ease; allowing them to focus on their mechanics and less on the numbers. With his famous catch phrases such as "sometimes you gotta rob peter to pay paul, or you cant make ice cream out of horse shit" Big Phil always had the perfect line at the perfect moment. 

Keith "The Marine" Barrell

Born and raised in Albany NY, Keith prepared himself at a young age for his opportunity to make a softball roster.   At age 5, His parents made the tough decision to enroll him in the Colonie Little League program over the West Albany program… A decision that would pay dividends for years to come. He would go on to make several all star teams and earn accolades for his defensive performances but Keith knew there was more to him then just being a tremendous ball player.


In 2005, Keith made a decision to enlist in the United States Marines, in which he would go on to graduate boot camp and served time in Iraq protecting our freedoms. When Keith finished his deployment, he joined the Goodfellas franchise in 2008 and would become an instant fan favorite. Keith would go on to win multiple Defensive Player of the Year Awards and was named the Rookie of the Year in 2008. In 2013, Keith played a tremendous role in the Goodfellas winning their first title in franchise history.


A true American Hero, Keith will always be remembered for his charisma, mental toughness and ability to get the job done. With his 400ft foul ball home runs and gold glove defense, Keith “The Marine” Barrell goes down as the best shortstop in franchise history but more importantly one of the best men you can come across in your life time.


Kevin "The Warrior" Clemens

Legend. A word often used to describe men who have achieved greatness. But, a word that often doesn’t describe a masterful man to the fullest.

Kevin Clemens, the man of steel, the silent warrior, is indeed a legend… but much more can go into the description of the man who has had a drastic impact on the Goodfellas franchise. 

Born in Albany NY, Kevin grew up with passion for the game of baseball which transcended into softball as he got older. A member of the Goodfellas franchise since their inception, Kevin was always willing to help the Fellas anyway he could. Whether it be doing the book, or playing the outfield, #55 played the game the right way, with intensity and passion to win.  His gutsy performances, Charlie Hustle style of play and never say never attitude has earned Kevin a spot into the prestigious Goodfellas Hall of Fame.

Adam "Crazycraze" Crisafulli

Although only a member of the team for one year, Adam "Crazycraze" Crisafulli will go down as one of the most beloved Goodfellas of all time. With his "charlie-hustle" style of play, Adam is a role model for future Goodfellas.